Sunday, December 1, 2013

December 2013 - Pastor's Reflection

There is a song that played on the radio about a man with a message on his home phone that had been there for many years. The message was for his rebellious daughter in case she called home when he wasn’t there.

The words said something to the effect “whatever you have done, wherever you have been, I love you and want you to come home.” He hadn’t talked to her in many years but the song said when she called she heard the message that she needed to hear.

Remembering the message of the song lyrics mentioned above, I can’t help but think that God has that message on his answering machine for all of us all of the time. I think that’s what Jesus came to tell us with his birth and through his life and message. The prodigal son story says that clearly. When I reflect on what it means to be made in the image of God, I think it means that we can love people the way God does, we don’t do that all the time, but we have the capacity to do so when we are at our best; when we are most in touch with God. The lyrics of that song display the capacity we have to love as God does.

During the holiday season we all think about gathering with friends, coming home to loved ones, or remembering those times when we did. But let us be attentive to not miss the call of the gospel, the message from God, the reason for the season. We are welcome to return home all the time, no matter what we have done and no matter where we have been. God loves you, and even me.

May your Christmas be blessed,
Rev. Pat

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