Southeastern Jurisdiction of The United Methodist Church (SEJ)
The Southeastern Jurisdiction is a ministry of The United Methodist Church to provide spiritual formation, leadership development and worship opportunities for all. SEJ programs and facilities are found throughout the Jurisdiction. The work done through the SEJ is designed to unify the Jurisdiction through work efforts with Annual Conferences and agencies to improve the quality and scope of our common ministry.
North Georgia Conference of The United Methodist Church
Comprised of 930 churches, more than 1,500 clergy members, and more than 360,000 lay members, The North Georgia Conference of The United Methodist Church seeks to develop Christian leaders, inspire young people, serve those in need and fulfill the mission of the denomination, “To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” Currently, it is the largest United Methodist Conference in the United States.
Structure and Leadership
The North Georgia Conference is a regional body of United Methodist church. It includes 12 smaller geographical divisions called “districts.” The North Georgia Conference is overseen by Bishop B. Michael Watson. The Conference is headquartered in Norcross at The Lodge at Simpsonwood.
A passion for excellence in higher education and in ministry has always been a part of our Wesleyan heritage. Since its earliest days, our church has attempted to provide training and support for those who are called into professional ministry and to provide access to church-related higher education to all who desire it. Concern for those areas of our common life led The United Methodist Church to create the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM). It operates on behalf of The United Methodist Church to prepare and assist those whose ministry in Christ is exercised through ordination or the diaconate and to provide general oversight and care for United Methodist institutions of higher education.
In response to the gospel's commission to "go ye therefore and teach," American Methodism has founded more than 1,200 institutions of higher education, among them some of the country's great colleges, universities, and theological seminaries.
Churches: is the online directory of churches in the United States.
Districts: A regional office that resources a particular group of churches, supervised by a district superintendent.
Annual Conferences: A regional office of programs and ministries. Find annual conferences in the United States, Africa, Europe and the Philippines.
Jurisdictions: Five geographic areas in the United States, each composed of several annual (regional) conferences.
Bishops/Episcopal Area: A regional office, supervised by a bishop.
General Boards and Agencies: Our councils, boards, commissions that carry out denominational work.
International Churches: Find the appropriate episcopal office for churches outside the United States.
Camp and Retreat Centers: United Methodist camp and retreat centers in the United States.
Child and Youth Services: United Methodist-related agencies that offer educational, residential, counseling and family support services.
Community Services: United Methodist-related social service agencies and community centers.
Foundations: Organizations that support specific conference or agency related ministries.
Hospitals: United Methodist-related hospitals and health care facilities in the United States.
Media Centers: United Methodist centers that provide media resources for Christian formation.
Older Adult Facilities: United Methodist-related nursing homes, retirement homes and other older adult services.
School and Seminaries: United Methodist-related seminaries, colleges, universities and precollegiate schools.
Bishops: Primary contact information for bishop of The United Methodist Church
Connectional Table: Primary contact for the Connectional Table
District Superintendents: Primary contact information for district superintendents in the United States
General Board and Agency Staff Directory: This resource provides contact information for agency staff.
Regional Publications: Online access to annual conference print and electronic publications
General Agency Publications: Online access to general board and agency print and electronic publications
Local Church Websites: Please search our database to locate a church and their website address.
District Websites: Please search our district locator to access regional websites.
Annual Conference Websites: Please search our annual conference locator to access regional websites.
Jurisdiction Websites: Please search our jurisdiction locator to access regional websites.
General Board and Agency Websites: Please search our general church locator to access ministry area websites.
Ecumenical Organizations: Locate organizations that have official relationship with The United Methodist Church.
Patience please! More Connections being made!
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